Frequently Asked Questions

What is YourDaily™?

YourDaily™ is a platform to retrain the brain, recenter the body, and rejuvenate the soul by offering personalized health coaching, workshops, and premium content led by integrative nutrition and trauma therapies experts.

Our coaching revolves around nervous system regulation in all areas of your life, whether we’re talking about healing trauma wounds, learning better communication skills, or managing your finances.

What is the Your Daily™ Reset Program?

The Reset Program is a health coaching program which teaches the fundamentals of how the nervous system, your gut, and your brain all work together to regulate everything that is going on in your body, as well as how your emotions affect and are affected by them. Understanding these principals will help you to take back control of your health in a way that you may not have believed was possible.

You can sign up for the program on our website. The program is delivered via the Your Daily™ mobile app.

What is the Membership about?

The Your Daily™ Health Coaching App membership allows you access to additional content, courses, resources, and the (forthcoming) Community feature in the app. Without the membership, much of that content is locked.

You will receive a free membership for six months when you purchase the Reset Program.

What is included in the membership?

The Your Daily™ membership allows you access to additional content, courses, and resources, as well as the (forthcoming) Community feature in the app, plus any workshop and special events.

What’s included with the Reset Program?

The Reset Program is a 12-week program of coaching lessons and exercises, which include lessons on the nervous system, gut health, understanding how your mind and body affect one another, and much more. You will learn how to form habits that you can use to retrain your brain and your body to work together harmoniously.

Also included in your purchase of the Reset Program is a free Your Daily™ membership for six months.

Tell Me About the Reset Program’s Money Back Guarantee

We know that our program works—as long as you do the work and give it your honest best effort. If you go all the way through the program, and you can show us that you followed it to the best of your ability, and you still don’t feel like you made significant progress toward your health goals, then contact us and we will refund the price of the program to you. We don’t want anyone walking away feeling like they didn’t get their money’s worth, and this happens so rarely that we feel confident making this guarantee.

What can I expect from the Your Daily™ Health Coach App?

A nervous system-centric approach to healing: 

  • Daily mind-body check-ins
  • Personalized stress-relieving tools
  • Journal prompts for healing
  • Guided meditations
  • Binaural Beats for deep rest
  • Supportive and informative articles
  • Easy, healthy, and tasty recipes
  • Daily affirmations

Delivered in a streamlined and minimal interface to help keep the nervous system calm.

New courses will be added over time. Community feature coming soon!

How do I use the Your Daily™ Health Coach App?

Your Daily™ Health Coach is meant to be used daily (hence the name). You’ll get a reminder to log in each day, check in with your mind and body, and see your next coaching lesson. After the lesson, we encourage you to take immediate action based on the content, so that it’s fresh in your mind. Videos are available from within the app that give additional details on how to make the best use of the app.

Why daily health coaching?

One of the reasons people have so many health issues in our society is that we often put everyone else first. Having a daily practice, even for just a few moments a day, creates a habit of checking in with ourselves, first.

For a more in-depth explanation of our approach, feel free to check out Our Approach.

Is the Your Daily™ Health Coach App only for people with burnout and autoimmune issues?

While Your Daily™ was specifically designed to support those with chronic stress and illness (and particularly, autoimmune illnesses), everyone can benefit from using Your Daily™.  Whether you have high stress levels, or you just want to learn more about preventing chronic illness, there is plenty of information and guidance here for you. Learn how to head off chronic illness by forming healthy habits now.

Is Your Daily™ only for women?

Not at all. At Your Daily™, we focus on helping people with autoimmune conditions, burnout, anxiety, gut issues, or high/chronic stress. Statistically, these issues affect women significantly more frequently than men. But there’s no reason that men suffering from these issues can’t benefit from our coaching just as much as women.

What if I need more help than what the app can provide?

We have real live human health coaches on the other side of Your Daily™, available to answer your questions. Use the “Contact Us” item in the main menu of the app to submit them. Because we’re still a small business, please give us up to 48 hours to respond.

What are the Wellness Workshops about?

We’re hosting workshops to support your daily activities in life, like how to read food labels, how to detox your home, how to batch-cook 7 meals in 90 minutes, etc. There will be real-life tactical workshops as well as some guest lectures to give you a better understanding of, and strategies for, your path to health and happiness.

How do I join the Wellness Workshops?

Workshops are live-streamed through Zoom. We’ll email an invite and a link for the event for you to join us live. If you cannot attend a workshop live, don’t worry – we plan to archive them and make them available for viewing at a time that suits your schedule, starting a day or two after the initial workshop time.

The archive will be available within the app, although this feature is not yet ready.

Who makes Your Daily™?

Your Daily™ was created specifically for people in burnout or who have autoimmune issues, based on the health coaching of our founder, Shawna Bigby Davis. Shawna found that her clients who were deep in burnout and/or with autoimmune issues needed more support and had daily questions. She also frequently heard the same pieces of feedback:

  • “Can you just tell me what to do next?”
  • “I’m so tired and can’t even think.”
  • “Am I doing it right?”

With these insights and with Shawna’s background in creating digital products and design, she created a daily roadmap for what to do next.

If I cancel my membership, do I get a refund?

You can cancel your membership at any time. If you choose to cancel, you will not receive a refund. Your membership will be valid until the end of the current billing cycle. After that, your membership will no longer auto-renew.

If you feel very strongly that you are having a bad experience and think that a refund is in order, please contact us using the “Contact Us” item in the main menu, and let us see if we can help you have a better experience.

I signed up but never got an email with my login information.

If you never received your welcome email that includes your login information, first check your Spam/Junk folder to make sure the email didn’t end up in there. It would have been sent from Your Daily App .

If you still can’t find it, you can reset your password (essentially, telling the app that you forgot your password). Go to the Log In screen (not Sign Up) in the app, and click the “Forgot password” link. This will send you a new email with instructions for resetting your password.

If you don’t get the password reset email, again – check your Spam/Junk folder. If it doesn’t seem to be there, contact us at, and we’ll get you set up.

How do I change my password?

You can change your password by navigating to the Settings screen (choose “Settings” from the main menu) in the app. From the Settings screen, click the arrow next to “Account,” and this will take you to the Account screen. Once you are on the Account screen, press the “Change Password” button. From there, enter your existing password, your new password, and then enter your new password again to confirm. Then click the “Submit” button. You should see a message letting you know whether or not the change was successful. In some cases, it might take a few seconds before the message appears. If the update is successful, you may need to log in again (using your new password) before you can access any content in the app. If the update is not successful, try reloading the app and then trying again.

Can I change my email address?

At this time, it is not possible to change your email address, as that is the primary way of identifying your account. We will be working on adding the ability to change your email address for a future version of the app. In the meantime, if it is absolutely critical that you change it (if, for example, you are about to lose access to the previously used email address), contact us and we will help you to change it manually.

Where can I submit feedback or report a bug?

If you notice something that isn’t behaving the way you think it should in the app, or you just have a suggestion for something that you think would make the app even better, you can submit your suggestion/bug report by selecting “Contact Us” on the main menu of the app and filling out the form on that screen.

If you are having trouble logging in (and therefore, can’t use the “Contact Us” screen), please email us at

What if I have a question not answered here?

If you are a member, you can go to the “Contact Us” screen in the app using the “Contact Us” item in the main menu and submit your question.

If you are not yet a member, please feel free to email us at

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